The difference to me, the most important one, is: Snowstorm is an event. Told in wandering, realilstic detail. Few are connected, that is, few details add to either the plot or the character, or the forward movement. Indeed, it's forward movement doesn't exist. M & M is a story, with an arc, with a character guiding it. Every detail feeds into it with intention.
The difference to me, the most important one, is: Snowstorm is an event. Told in wandering, realilstic detail. Few are connected, that is, few details add to either the plot or the character, or the forward movement. Indeed, it's forward movement doesn't exist. M & M is a story, with an arc, with a character guiding it. Every detail feeds into it with intention.
The difference to me, the most important one, is: Snowstorm is an event. Told in wandering, realilstic detail. Few are connected, that is, few details add to either the plot or the character, or the forward movement. Indeed, it's forward movement doesn't exist. M & M is a story, with an arc, with a character guiding it. Every detail feeds into it with intention.
Make that "its forward movement"