Yes, this is interesting, Anne. When I stop and consider why and how a framing device works, what it accomplishes for the story, O'Connor seems to be doing something differently from Hsun. She is drawing our gaze here to what Mrs. F. is looking at. As a matter of fact, throughout this story, she does in fact seem obsessed with what and where characters' gazes are directed....
Yes, this is interesting, Anne. When I stop and consider why and how a framing device works, what it accomplishes for the story, O'Connor seems to be doing something differently from Hsun. She is drawing our gaze here to what Mrs. F. is looking at. As a matter of fact, throughout this story, she does in fact seem obsessed with what and where characters' gazes are directed....
Yes, this is interesting, Anne. When I stop and consider why and how a framing device works, what it accomplishes for the story, O'Connor seems to be doing something differently from Hsun. She is drawing our gaze here to what Mrs. F. is looking at. As a matter of fact, throughout this story, she does in fact seem obsessed with what and where characters' gazes are directed....