Love this advice, and wholeheartedly agree. Asking students to put their pens down or close their laptops often causes them some cognitive dissonance at first sometimes (smile) but you're so right, Shaiza. When they're kind of forced to just interact with one another and discuss something, it's a much more fruitful exercise.
Love this advice, and wholeheartedly agree. Asking students to put their pens down or close their laptops often causes them some cognitive dissonance at first sometimes (smile) but you're so right, Shaiza. When they're kind of forced to just interact with one another and discuss something, it's a much more fruitful exercise.
Love this advice, and wholeheartedly agree. Asking students to put their pens down or close their laptops often causes them some cognitive dissonance at first sometimes (smile) but you're so right, Shaiza. When they're kind of forced to just interact with one another and discuss something, it's a much more fruitful exercise.