Nabokov - word artist extraordinaire. And I love the idea of frames within a work, bracketing individual microcosms of story and providing a lens we take with us until the next one is provided. Have you ever been to those science museums where you enter a room that's lit with a colour-filtered light and everything appears yellow or olive…
Nabokov - word artist extraordinaire. And I love the idea of frames within a work, bracketing individual microcosms of story and providing a lens we take with us until the next one is provided. Have you ever been to those science museums where you enter a room that's lit with a colour-filtered light and everything appears yellow or olive green or brown, and then you shine a white light torch around and suddenly everything is cerulean, and magenta, and emerald? That's what this framing feels like, except you sometimes forget you have that white-light torch and just let the author guide you through the rooms with their differently filtered lights...
Nabokov - word artist extraordinaire. And I love the idea of frames within a work, bracketing individual microcosms of story and providing a lens we take with us until the next one is provided. Have you ever been to those science museums where you enter a room that's lit with a colour-filtered light and everything appears yellow or olive green or brown, and then you shine a white light torch around and suddenly everything is cerulean, and magenta, and emerald? That's what this framing feels like, except you sometimes forget you have that white-light torch and just let the author guide you through the rooms with their differently filtered lights...