Just bought two tickets. (Don't be mad at me Story Clubbers! Can I help it that I live in Los Angeles??) George, I hope I get to say hello, although I'm guessing you'll be surrounded. Maybe you could tug on an earlobe or something as a secret message, like Carol Burnett. Looking forward!

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Damn your eyes and the horse you rode in on!!!!!

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Two tickets, Sea.....maybe you should head on down!

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Not mad at all!! A tad jealous to miss the chance for a gathering of Story Clubbers with our beloved founder. Please post a detailed report, Mary. Even earlobe tug.

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Will do!

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I’ll be there looking out for the ear tug. ;)

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So jealous!

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Amazing! I just bought a ticket! Thanks for letting us know (and for the discount).

Will story club members be sitting together? I’ll be heading to the small world bookstore in Venice around noon, both to honor the event and bc it’s one of my favorite places!

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We will find each other!

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A Friday evening event in LA normally is a nightmare, traffic-wise, but this event feels fortuitous because I live in Santa Monica and don't have to travel far at all. Just bought my ticket and very much looking forward to the performance and Q&A!

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What a terrific event. Thanks for sending news of it, George! And for the discount.

To my fellow story clubbers attending, send detailed reports. I’ll be landlocked in NYC with day job but please share the sparkle dust. It’s sure to be magical.

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don't mind me casually looking at budget flights

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Come to Seattle!

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We Seattlites will overwhelm him! He’ll have to make it so.

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We Seattle’s are known for our aggression. 🤣

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Hahahaha!!! I’m a transplant— I’ll try to remember how I was before I got here… I’ll lead us forward into “somewhat forceful.”

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I’m about elbow Sea and don a wig and take mary up on her 2nd ticket!

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I love how comically long that promo code is.

Wish I could make it!

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A Saunders event I can walk to? Yes please. So excited!

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Yay! I pushed aside lunch and got tickets. Thanks for the discount, George.

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Minneapolis! please...I'll act in your story.

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St. Paul!😊🙏

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Hello Mary, we should connect one of these lovely MN days.

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I'll also be there. The event and Los Angeles. Perfect time for a visit. And I can finally meet you, Mary.

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Norm! I'm so happy that I'll be able to meet you! Yay!

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Just bought my tickets! Excited. But, might be too nervous to even say hello :/ George, any hints on what stories might be enacted? I think I know all your short stories by heart. But my husband does not, and I'd love to have him read them first.

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Seriously George. When are you coming to Seattle?

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Man. I wish I could be there! Bring that show to Seattle! We have actors here!

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Wouldn’t it be so nice to do this in Carmel too? 🙏🙏

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