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OK. I am totally jealous of what sounds like a wonderful, participatory event. I was at the one in Berkeley and I gotta say it was rather subdued compared to what you folks are describing. We weren't really allowed to interact with George. I love him anyway, of course, but it was a pretty sterile affair.

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I'm jealous too! I wanted to go up to Berkeley, but it's kind of hard for me to get there with all the crazy drivers out there. (I drive like a little old lady so I had to stay out of trouble.) Now I think the Bay Area needs another event with George so that we can all wear our Story Club t shirts and our freshly ironed jeans and interact with George and each other. I hope George's book sells like crazy and Random House has to do another events to meet the overwhelming demand for George. Give the Bay Area another chance!

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When the paperback version comes out!

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Hi Dee - Same for me, I sadly missed the SC event , not wanting to drive over 17 and back in the dark, alone with my bad night (driving) vision. Wish there was a way for IRL SC meet ups such as pple have been having serrendipitiously at the readings. Have any SCers met up, regionally, other than at George's readings?

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Hi Dee, Dorothy, and Mary g etc. I was in Santa Cruz as I had a place to stay and did NOT have to drive in the dark. Now I wish I had driven to LA! I would love to meet Bay Area/peninsula/Santa Cruz, Story Clubbers

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Not that I know of, but it would be fun to meet Bay Area SCers like you and Leslie. We'll have to look for a good event to attend and wear our SC t shirts! (I have to get one first.

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Kurt, it's true that we had two very funny people up there, willing to go deep. But there was no real interaction with George--just the Q and A--so you didn't miss anything, I promise! (Yes, I did have such a lovely moment, huge for me, really. But I wouldn't call the evening participatory. We were audience members, listening to two smart people talk about the subjects we all love.)

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Hi Mary, IтАЩm thrilled you guys got to ask questions yourselves. ThatтАЩs already way more alive than ours. Ours was more like zoom than an in person event. We were 20тАЩ away but might as well have been a thousand, or a time zone. However, IтАЩm extra thrilled you got a shout out from George. You are one of the heroes of StoryClub, always ready with thoughtful, deep answers. WeтАЩre lucky to have you.

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You didn't have a Q and A? So sorry your event wasn't all you'd hoped. That sounds super frustrating. On another note, thanks for being happy for me. I certainly don't feel heroic, but I do love taking deep dives with everyone in the club. And can you imagine how lucky I feel, that someone like you would take the time to write me such a sweet note? This club! People are so nice! Yay, world!

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Well to be fair, there was technically a Q&A. We could email QтАЩs ahead of the event or hand in cards at the event. Then those were handed to Samin Nosrat, the interviewer, then she picked about three of them, possibly the most simplistic of the lot, then it was over. Not that IтАЩm deeply upsetтАжIтАЩll only resent it for like a year or two, maybe ten, then IтАЩll be totally over it. Also to be fair, I donтАЩt think George controls the terms of engagement at the venues, at least IтАЩm assuming that, since at yours you could actually use your voices and the story clubbers got called out. And yes, this club is a reminder that there is thoughtfulness and generosity left in the world. We need to nurture that, and each other, for sure.

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