Great story, S. Shepard! I remember when I first moved to NYC in my 20s. I was so happy to finally be getting out of Seattle, Washington, where it felt like I knew every other person on the street. (Seattle used to be small and sequestered in the corner of the country. It felt like the middle of nowhere, and ten years behind everywhere e…
Great story, S. Shepard! I remember when I first moved to NYC in my 20s. I was so happy to finally be getting out of Seattle, Washington, where it felt like I knew every other person on the street. (Seattle used to be small and sequestered in the corner of the country. It felt like the middle of nowhere, and ten years behind everywhere else. Also, rainy.) Anyway, there I was, DAY ONE in NYC, walking down 108th toward Broadway and telling a new friend how great it was to be in a new place where I knew no one. Well, of course, RIGHT THEN we turned onto Broadway and someone shouted out my name. I mean, it was like he'd been hired to pull that one on me. At that moment, the world seemed way too small. Something similar happened to me years later when I had just moved to DC. We were at a Nats game--exactly 24 hours after moving to the area--and I was feeling whiny and sad. I had just turned to my husband to say how hard it felt to move to a new place AGAIN where I knew no one (my poor husband--he puts up with so much), and RIGHT THEN I got a text that said, "look over your right shoulder." Yep, an old friend in the row behind us. In that moment, i was happy that the world felt so small. Life. It's amazing to be here.
I'm so chatty today. Still in a good mood after last night, I guess. Plus, I just scored the ugliest mug at my local Goodwill after scarfing down a breakfast burrito made with tater tots. Win-win!
I love these stories. And: Bring on the chatty. I love it! I realize that in these days if we keep our heads down and in our phones, instead of looking around us, we could be sitting close to an old friend and never notice them at all! Yay for looking around.
Great story, S. Shepard! I remember when I first moved to NYC in my 20s. I was so happy to finally be getting out of Seattle, Washington, where it felt like I knew every other person on the street. (Seattle used to be small and sequestered in the corner of the country. It felt like the middle of nowhere, and ten years behind everywhere else. Also, rainy.) Anyway, there I was, DAY ONE in NYC, walking down 108th toward Broadway and telling a new friend how great it was to be in a new place where I knew no one. Well, of course, RIGHT THEN we turned onto Broadway and someone shouted out my name. I mean, it was like he'd been hired to pull that one on me. At that moment, the world seemed way too small. Something similar happened to me years later when I had just moved to DC. We were at a Nats game--exactly 24 hours after moving to the area--and I was feeling whiny and sad. I had just turned to my husband to say how hard it felt to move to a new place AGAIN where I knew no one (my poor husband--he puts up with so much), and RIGHT THEN I got a text that said, "look over your right shoulder." Yep, an old friend in the row behind us. In that moment, i was happy that the world felt so small. Life. It's amazing to be here.
I'm so chatty today. Still in a good mood after last night, I guess. Plus, I just scored the ugliest mug at my local Goodwill after scarfing down a breakfast burrito made with tater tots. Win-win!
I love these stories. And: Bring on the chatty. I love it! I realize that in these days if we keep our heads down and in our phones, instead of looking around us, we could be sitting close to an old friend and never notice them at all! Yay for looking around.