All excellent points. That's an interesting observation about the archetypal characters of the book vs. the angsty versions in the film. I hadn't really thought about that before.
I'm also thinking now about what really makes a book feel "bloated" vs. "rich." You're absolutely right about fantasy today. In fact, despite it being my favori…
All excellent points. That's an interesting observation about the archetypal characters of the book vs. the angsty versions in the film. I hadn't really thought about that before.
I'm also thinking now about what really makes a book feel "bloated" vs. "rich." You're absolutely right about fantasy today. In fact, despite it being my favorite genre as a kid, I barely read it anymore because I find much of it so tedious. I find the level of detail somewhat excruciating in many cases. And yet I love the Lord of the Rings (even all those pages about party preparations and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins). I'm sure a lot of it simply comes down to personal preference. But I think there may also be something about dedication to realism vs. the archetypes you previously mentioned. Perhaps a book can move toward one or the other, but not both at the same time.
All excellent points. That's an interesting observation about the archetypal characters of the book vs. the angsty versions in the film. I hadn't really thought about that before.
I'm also thinking now about what really makes a book feel "bloated" vs. "rich." You're absolutely right about fantasy today. In fact, despite it being my favorite genre as a kid, I barely read it anymore because I find much of it so tedious. I find the level of detail somewhat excruciating in many cases. And yet I love the Lord of the Rings (even all those pages about party preparations and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins). I'm sure a lot of it simply comes down to personal preference. But I think there may also be something about dedication to realism vs. the archetypes you previously mentioned. Perhaps a book can move toward one or the other, but not both at the same time.