Right. Like the sf writer Theodore Sturgeon, for me. Elizabeth Enright’s short stories. There are many more that may come to mind. Thank goodness for so many different kinds of people!
Right. Like the sf writer Theodore Sturgeon, for me. Elizabeth Enright’s short stories. There are many more that may come to mind. Thank goodness for so many different kinds of people!
Right. Like the sf writer Theodore Sturgeon, for me. Elizabeth Enright’s short stories. There are many more that may come to mind. Thank goodness for so many different kinds of people!
I just wrote those down in my notes. Thanks for those two recs. I love this story: "Joe Gould's Secret" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Gould%27s_Secret
And this one https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/403452.The_Big_Con
Thanks so much! I might need a day or two to get to those, but soon!!