Noticing that you writing "strip it back entirely" gave me pause to find this query surfacing: what led you to conceive that the form that is right for the two-character story that you are working to help bring out is 'the novel'?
Might your endeavour, I find myself musing, be better framed as a goal of writing a novella or an extended sh…
Noticing that you writing "strip it back entirely" gave me pause to find this query surfacing: what led you to conceive that the form that is right for the two-character story that you are working to help bring out is 'the novel'?
Might your endeavour, I find myself musing, be better framed as a goal of writing a novella or an extended short story or as a short story?
Sincere question, sincere interest in any reply you may care to make Lisa.
The piece started out as a short story. It’s a great point. It is more like a novella. I’m now considering two separate short stories one with each of the characters appreciate your comments.
Noticing that you writing "strip it back entirely" gave me pause to find this query surfacing: what led you to conceive that the form that is right for the two-character story that you are working to help bring out is 'the novel'?
Might your endeavour, I find myself musing, be better framed as a goal of writing a novella or an extended short story or as a short story?
Sincere question, sincere interest in any reply you may care to make Lisa.
The piece started out as a short story. It’s a great point. It is more like a novella. I’m now considering two separate short stories one with each of the characters appreciate your comments.