Mary! I just logged into Story Club for the first time in MONTHS, and I'm so happy to see some familiar faces are still here. Life has gotten in the way of making time for the Club, but I'm realizing I've been languishing a bit without it. I'm ready to jump back in!
(And I'm about to go see George on book tour here in Portland, so I'm tha…
Mary! I just logged into Story Club for the first time in MONTHS, and I'm so happy to see some familiar faces are still here. Life has gotten in the way of making time for the Club, but I'm realizing I've been languishing a bit without it. I'm ready to jump back in!
(And I'm about to go see George on book tour here in Portland, so I'm thankful that came up to nudge me back over to this part of the internet.)
Sara! Nice to see you here again! Yes, people have come and gone, but good ol' mary g. remains..... It's been interesting to see the changes around here. Lots of the "regulars" have disappeared. Sometimes, I think it's time for me to hang it up and move on as well, but then George posts something interesting and I feel compelled to respond. I hope you get to say hello to him in person at Powell's. I think he lives here in LA most of the time now, so I have hopes of running into him one of these days. Happy you're back!
I’m in line to get my book signed now, so I’ll at least get to say a quick hello!
I was not joking about languishing since I’ve left Story Club. I do not recommend dropping off, dropping out, or otherwise leaving. It’s just the tonic needed to counteract all the terrible things and mean things and shallow things that make up so much of what we see each day.
I miss people who dropped off or maybe they're just lurking here. I did read a post by someone who said he began to have anxiety about posting here, about writing the wrong thing, or being taken the wrong way by someone.
Loved the Old Crew shout out Sea! I sometimes think there same thing. Have I stayed too long at this party? But, no way. It's just so good here, sharing, thinking, hangin' w/ the great GS and with you, Mary and the others. OMG. Too good. I'm not worthy.....
hahahaha! No worries! I always have a zillion errors because i hit post without re-reading. I think some of the old crew just needed a break maybe. From commenting. I get it. Sometimes it's more than enough to just read George's posts. For me, I can't really process ANYTHING without writing about it. So if i only read what George says, it goes right through my head--poof! No retention. But if I enter into the conversation, i retain it more easily. And by commenting, I can turn it over in my head and really ponder, which I love. But, yeah. Watching the regulars drop off can make me wonder what I'm still doing here--like maybe i should step aside and that would encourage others to comment...? I know that sometimes i basically "take over" around here--maybe that' s not always such a good thing. Not asking for any reply on my thoughts. I'm just processing. Like always. (And I do miss the old crew--they were so fun to interact with. Without meeting in person, I often feel/felt that i knew them in some way, you know? Old crew, if you're reading this: i miss you!)
Yeah, Old Crew! I don't think of your posts as "take over" because anyone can post anything, of any length, and we can chose to read or skim or not read at all.
A while back (Old Crew days) someone apologized for commenting, saying something like "English is my second language." I loved that person's post. Plus, they speak more than one language, so even better.
so many good people around here. I feel bad that anyone would think they need to apologize or worry about what they post. This is the Love Club! (Mostly.)
Mary! I just logged into Story Club for the first time in MONTHS, and I'm so happy to see some familiar faces are still here. Life has gotten in the way of making time for the Club, but I'm realizing I've been languishing a bit without it. I'm ready to jump back in!
(And I'm about to go see George on book tour here in Portland, so I'm thankful that came up to nudge me back over to this part of the internet.)
Sara! Nice to see you here again! Yes, people have come and gone, but good ol' mary g. remains..... It's been interesting to see the changes around here. Lots of the "regulars" have disappeared. Sometimes, I think it's time for me to hang it up and move on as well, but then George posts something interesting and I feel compelled to respond. I hope you get to say hello to him in person at Powell's. I think he lives here in LA most of the time now, so I have hopes of running into him one of these days. Happy you're back!
I’m in line to get my book signed now, so I’ll at least get to say a quick hello!
I was not joking about languishing since I’ve left Story Club. I do not recommend dropping off, dropping out, or otherwise leaving. It’s just the tonic needed to counteract all the terrible things and mean things and shallow things that make up so much of what we see each day.
I’m going to try my best to keep up!
I miss people who dropped off or maybe they're just lurking here. I did read a post by someone who said he began to have anxiety about posting here, about writing the wrong thing, or being taken the wrong way by someone.
Now I have anxiety about my typos.
Loved the Old Crew shout out Sea! I sometimes think there same thing. Have I stayed too long at this party? But, no way. It's just so good here, sharing, thinking, hangin' w/ the great GS and with you, Mary and the others. OMG. Too good. I'm not worthy.....
It is OMG too good. Just read "The Jilting of Granny..." and came back here to see your comment.
hahahaha! No worries! I always have a zillion errors because i hit post without re-reading. I think some of the old crew just needed a break maybe. From commenting. I get it. Sometimes it's more than enough to just read George's posts. For me, I can't really process ANYTHING without writing about it. So if i only read what George says, it goes right through my head--poof! No retention. But if I enter into the conversation, i retain it more easily. And by commenting, I can turn it over in my head and really ponder, which I love. But, yeah. Watching the regulars drop off can make me wonder what I'm still doing here--like maybe i should step aside and that would encourage others to comment...? I know that sometimes i basically "take over" around here--maybe that' s not always such a good thing. Not asking for any reply on my thoughts. I'm just processing. Like always. (And I do miss the old crew--they were so fun to interact with. Without meeting in person, I often feel/felt that i knew them in some way, you know? Old crew, if you're reading this: i miss you!)
Yeah, Old Crew! I don't think of your posts as "take over" because anyone can post anything, of any length, and we can chose to read or skim or not read at all.
A while back (Old Crew days) someone apologized for commenting, saying something like "English is my second language." I loved that person's post. Plus, they speak more than one language, so even better.
so many good people around here. I feel bad that anyone would think they need to apologize or worry about what they post. This is the Love Club! (Mostly.)
I’m new to reading the comments. I am behind on everything. I hope you continue to comment, Mary G.
Thank you, Mary Ann.
Any sign of Manami around here these days? I hope she is still lurking, if not posting.
And I feel the same about feeling like I knew the Old Crew without actually knowing you guys. I have missed the camaraderie!
She comes and goes. I miss her!
Hi Sara! Good to see you again.
Yay! Hi!