I'm really interested in how you describe writing character as something like love. I didn't have the words for it, but you are so right- specificity feels like getting closer to something we didn't know. I've been writing a flawed character lately, I disagree with her, but have felt the need to keep writing. I wrote a detail the other d…
I'm really interested in how you describe writing character as something like love. I didn't have the words for it, but you are so right- specificity feels like getting closer to something we didn't know. I've been writing a flawed character lately, I disagree with her, but have felt the need to keep writing. I wrote a detail the other day where she squeezes a plastic whale in a shop whenever she passes it. It's sounds stupid, but it felt like love, like I'm there for her, I've got her back, whatever she does.
I'm really interested in how you describe writing character as something like love. I didn't have the words for it, but you are so right- specificity feels like getting closer to something we didn't know. I've been writing a flawed character lately, I disagree with her, but have felt the need to keep writing. I wrote a detail the other day where she squeezes a plastic whale in a shop whenever she passes it. It's sounds stupid, but it felt like love, like I'm there for her, I've got her back, whatever she does.