Thanks for Sredni Vashtar, Marina. Love the sound of it as a title, even though I don't know the story. Have just looked it up, though, and am looking forward to reading it.
Saki himself loved that title, I think, since the narrator references the mystery of its creation in the text of the story itself:
'And one day, out of Heaven knows what material, he spun the beast a wonderful name'.
My guess, and of course it's a guess, is that this happened in the inception of the story too. Can't you just feel the hairs standing up on the arm of the author, a moment of perfection descends upon him like Grace.
My favorite title ever is Sredni Vashtar. Sometimes I just say it aloud so that I can enjoy it again.
My own work still resides solely in the cloud, and it’s called Novel. There’s also othernovel and othernovel2.
Thanks for Sredni Vashtar, Marina. Love the sound of it as a title, even though I don't know the story. Have just looked it up, though, and am looking forward to reading it.
Saki himself loved that title, I think, since the narrator references the mystery of its creation in the text of the story itself:
'And one day, out of Heaven knows what material, he spun the beast a wonderful name'.
My guess, and of course it's a guess, is that this happened in the inception of the story too. Can't you just feel the hairs standing up on the arm of the author, a moment of perfection descends upon him like Grace.
I love the story, and the title too.
Thank you for this!
When you finish Novel, you could call it Cloudburst ;)
I like it