I’ve definitely had random title-sounding phrases pop into my head that led to stories/articles (and songs back when I was young and fronted a band) because I wanted a use for the title. But except for a few songs, I don’t think any of the title-inspirations ever stuck. When I used to have to write my own headlines for a weekly column, t…
I’ve definitely had random title-sounding phrases pop into my head that led to stories/articles (and songs back when I was young and fronted a band) because I wanted a use for the title. But except for a few songs, I don’t think any of the title-inspirations ever stuck. When I used to have to write my own headlines for a weekly column, the best ones (imo) came to me late in the process when I could see what themes had opened up. Often the new title occurring to me is how I knew I was done.
Songs have a unique structure. The revision process for lyrics is not about exploring your themes, it’s about tightening things up, rhythmically and otherwise. If you start with a title you like and write a chorus with it first, it’s got a much better chance of still working when you’re done. Maybe the lesson from that is, if you’re writing to fit a title, keep it simple and short!
I’ve definitely had random title-sounding phrases pop into my head that led to stories/articles (and songs back when I was young and fronted a band) because I wanted a use for the title. But except for a few songs, I don’t think any of the title-inspirations ever stuck. When I used to have to write my own headlines for a weekly column, the best ones (imo) came to me late in the process when I could see what themes had opened up. Often the new title occurring to me is how I knew I was done.
Songs have a unique structure. The revision process for lyrics is not about exploring your themes, it’s about tightening things up, rhythmically and otherwise. If you start with a title you like and write a chorus with it first, it’s got a much better chance of still working when you’re done. Maybe the lesson from that is, if you’re writing to fit a title, keep it simple and short!