You are welcome to my words Saige. A tad, deliberately so, convoluted though they may be they do endeavour to convey this reader's experience: "utterly novel achievement".
Glad to be made aware that you are writing to etch story into another time and place; I will look forward to reading myself into such setting as you are making and to m…
You are welcome to my words Saige. A tad, deliberately so, convoluted though they may be they do endeavour to convey this reader's experience: "utterly novel achievement".
Glad to be made aware that you are writing to etch story into another time and place; I will look forward to reading myself into such setting as you are making and to meeting and making acquaintance with the characters you populate it with.
You are welcome to my words Saige. A tad, deliberately so, convoluted though they may be they do endeavour to convey this reader's experience: "utterly novel achievement".
Glad to be made aware that you are writing to etch story into another time and place; I will look forward to reading myself into such setting as you are making and to meeting and making acquaintance with the characters you populate it with.
"Worthwhile." The very word.