Sounds good! I think with any kind of novel that has 'something to be fathomed' at its core, (whether children's, crime, mystery or anything else) it is satisfying when the author has planted a seed early on which germinates just a little after the point I have stopped thinking about it. That is, i can still recall it, but i have stop…
Sounds good! I think with any kind of novel that has 'something to be fathomed' at its core, (whether children's, crime, mystery or anything else) it is satisfying when the author has planted a seed early on which germinates just a little after the point I have stopped thinking about it. That is, i can still recall it, but i have stopped expecting that it will turn out to be significant. If several of those moments happened in the middle, it would certainly cure the novel of sagginess for me!
Sounds good! I think with any kind of novel that has 'something to be fathomed' at its core, (whether children's, crime, mystery or anything else) it is satisfying when the author has planted a seed early on which germinates just a little after the point I have stopped thinking about it. That is, i can still recall it, but i have stopped expecting that it will turn out to be significant. If several of those moments happened in the middle, it would certainly cure the novel of sagginess for me!
Oh yeah - That’s a very satisfying readerly moment!