Many thanks for the shout-out, Kirk. I'm very pleased you found "Lever of Transcendence" valuable. ON WRITING FICTION is out of print now but in 2022 Press 53 published a revised and expanded edition of it under the title ALONE WITH ALL THAT COULD HAPPEN: ON WRITING FICTION, so anyone who's interested can find the essay there. Press 53 h…
Many thanks for the shout-out, Kirk. I'm very pleased you found "Lever of Transcendence" valuable. ON WRITING FICTION is out of print now but in 2022 Press 53 published a revised and expanded edition of it under the title ALONE WITH ALL THAT COULD HAPPEN: ON WRITING FICTION, so anyone who's interested can find the essay there. Press 53 has also recently published my new collection of essays, WORDS MADE FLESH: THE CRAFT OF FICTION, and it contains the "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Abstraction" essay you mention.
Many thanks for the shout-out, Kirk. I'm very pleased you found "Lever of Transcendence" valuable. ON WRITING FICTION is out of print now but in 2022 Press 53 published a revised and expanded edition of it under the title ALONE WITH ALL THAT COULD HAPPEN: ON WRITING FICTION, so anyone who's interested can find the essay there. Press 53 has also recently published my new collection of essays, WORDS MADE FLESH: THE CRAFT OF FICTION, and it contains the "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Abstraction" essay you mention.